
Sana Ullah – Real Estate Agent

Latest real estate market update in Raby

NSW 2566


According to data from CoreLogic and realestate.com.au, the real estate market in Raby, NSW has been showing steady growth. As of the latest update, there are 9 new listings, 6 recently sold properties, and 9 rental listings available. The median price for properties in Raby is currently $724,591, and the median days to sell is 24 days. Additionally, the year-over-year price increase is 11.9%.

Latest Median House Price in Raby

The median price for properties in Raby, NSW is an important metric to watch. The recent median price of houses in Raby is $724,591. Looking at the trend over the past year, we see that there have been some fluctuations in the median price, but the overall trend is positive. This increase in median price can be a good sign for sellers, indicating that they may be able to sell their properties for a higher price.

Year-Over-Year Price Increase in Raby

The year-over-year price increase in Raby, NSW is a key metric for understanding the state of the real estate market. The current year-over-year price increase is 11.9%, indicating a strong and growing market. Looking at the trend over the past year, we see that there have been some fluctuations in the year-over-year price increase, but the overall trend is positive. This increase in price can be a good sign for sellers, indicating that they may be able to sell their properties for a higher price.


In conclusion, the real estate market in Raby, NSW is showing steady growth across multiple metrics. The median price, rental listings, median days to sell, and year-over-year price increase are all positive indicators for the market. These metrics can inform buyers, sellers, landlords, and renters in the Raby real estate market and help them make informed decisions. If you have any questions or would like personalized consultation, please contact the top real estate agency in Raby, NSW.

About Empower Estate Agents

A real estate agency in Raby, NSW 2566

Empower Estate Agents offers exceptional real estate services in Campbelltown, Claymore, Minto, and other Southwest Sydney suburbs. Our team is knowledgeable, friendly, and dedicated to ensuring your real estate transaction is successful. Trust us for outstanding marketing and effective negotiation tactics.

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